Quality Is Paramount And Cannot Be Compromised

Intest operates independently, with no ownership or affiliations with other manufacturers, brokers, distributors, entities, individuals, or silent partners. Moreover, Intest abstains from buying, selling, or engaging in any component transactions. This approach ensures our complete impartiality, enabling us to deliver unbiased results and reports to you.


Interest Advantage


We uphold unwavering integrity and a steadfast commitment to ethical practices.


Our renowned service and technical support are unmatched in the industry.


We have been pioneers, always the first to identify industry trends and changes.


Our fully-equipped, certified facilities boast advanced capabilities for comprehensive testing and analysis.


We have a global presence, ensuring our services reach clients worldwide.

Our Standard Testing Procedure at Intest

Intest's fully customizable functional testing services are prepared to meet a broad range of challenging requirements and timelines, encompassing full-unit and component-level testing.

  • 01
    Visual Inspection of External Packaging
  • 02
    Document Verification Check
  • 03
    Detailed Visual Inspection
  • 04
    Digital Photography
  • 05
    Label Verification
  • 06
    Requirement Verification
  • 07
    Value-Added Testing
  • 08
    Departs to Customer
  • 09

The Evolution Of Intest Laboratories